Co-op Academies Peer Network Meeting | Reunión de la Red de Academias Cooperativas


A pink graphic with clip art of roses and books.  A feature photo shows a group of graduates of a co-op academy holding certificates.  Text that reads join our community of practice for educators and facilitators to share resources, lessons and inspirations from worker co-op academies across the united states!  Meet us on zoom the last mondays of february, may, august and november 2025

Esta reunión se facilita solamente en inglés.  Vuelve a revisar el calendario para eventos en español.  

Date: Monday February 24, 2025
Hora: 12:30pm PT / 1:30pm MT / 2:30pm CT / 3:30pm ET | 90 min
This meeting is in English only / Esta reunión será solamente en inglés
Cost: Free

The Co-op Academies Peer Network is a community of practice for educators, facilitators and other practitioners to share resources, lessons and inspirations from worker co-op academies across the US. The network grew out of conversations of New Economy Coalition members in 2021 and became a USFWC Peer Network in fall 2022.


Event times below are listed in Pacific time / Los horarios de los eventos a continuación se enumeran en tiempo estánder del Pacífico

February 24th, 2025 from 12:30 PM to  2:00 PM