Deep Dive into Social Co-ops: Practical Experiences and Policy Reforms

 Registration is closed for this event

Este evento será facilitado en inglés.  Favor de volver a revisar nuestro calendario para eventos futuros en español.  

Date: Tuesday August 20th, 2024 
Time: 10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central / 1pm Eastern | 90 min
This webinar will be offered in English / Este webinar será facilitado en inglés
Cost: Free / Gratis

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Conviértase en sostenedore hoy por tan poco como $10 al mes - y ayúdenos a servir mejor les trabajadores-dueñes y negocios democráticos de nuestra membresía en los EE.UU.


About the webinar 

Join us to learn and think together about the social co-ops model. In March, we held an introductory panel on the topic. During this part 2 discussion, we will dive deeper into applications and legal implications. We will hear from developers who have tactical experience and discuss the kinds of legislative or policy reform that would be needed to unlock social co-op development to scale. How can we scale this model and have a positive impact on people’s lives by defining it as a separate model from other types of organizations and cooperatives?


Event times below are listed in Pacific time / Los horarios de los eventos a continuación se enumeran en hora del Pacífico


August 20th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Optional donation | Donación opcional
None | nada
$5 donation
$10 donation
$25 donation
$50 donation