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How can worker co-ops be a force for liberation and self-determination in the U.S. and Rojava? Join fellow worker-owners for a dialogue across borders that explores worker co-ops as a liberatory strategy for oppressed people globally. We’ll discuss strategies for growing the cooperative movement in different political and economic contexts and learn directly from one another’s experiences, exchange ideas, and build solidarity beyond borders. Hosted by the Emergency Committee for Rojava and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives.
The Emergency Committee for Rojava was founded in 2018 in response to Turkey’s invasion of Afrin. Its mission is to defend Rojava (Democratic Federation of Northern Syria), popularize its political ideas, campaign against U.S. complicity in Turkey’s war on the Kurds, and urge the resumption of peace negotiations between the Kurdish movement and the Turkish government. It believes Rojava’s experiment in democratic confederalism, built on principles of pluralism, ecology, and feminism, offers a new model of radical democracy in a world that clearly needs one.
This webinar includes simultaneous interpretation from Kurdish to English and from Arabic to English.
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