WORKS FOR ALL -- Union Co-ops Council documentary screening & discussion

 Registration is closed for this event
Join USFWC’s Union Co-op Council, Co-op Cincy and Moving Images for a special virtual screening of WORKS FOR ALL, a 30 minute documentary about Cincinnati's Co-op Economy. The event, streamed over zoom, will include a post-screening discussion by film director Melissa Young, Co-op Cincy director Ellen Vera, and others featured in the film.

Graphic flyer that shows a collage of worker coop members and activists of different races and genders surrounding a streetcar with the word "cincy" on it. Text next to the collage says Works for all, cincinnati's co-op economy. Film screening. December 8, 2023 at 1 PM Eastern. Co-sponsored by Moving Images, Co-op Cincy and the Union Co-ops Council of the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives.

Por ahora, estas llamadas solamente estan disponibles en inglés.  Vuelva a revisar nuestro calendario para eventos sobre las cooperativas en español. 


Since 2011 Co-op Cincy has been building an inspiring network of worker-owned cooperatives in Cincinnati to create a regional economy that works for all. Cincinnati is a historic city, just across the Ohio River from Kentucky in the heart of the American Midwest. In the years when people were fleeing slavery in the South, the city became a way station on the Underground Railroad. And since 2011, it has been home to Co-op Cincy, a unique network of activists and unionized cooperatives that are building "an economy that works for all."

From the makers of Shift Change, WORKS FOR ALL visits several of the diverse worker-owned cooperatives in the network, many led by people traditionally marginalized in the U.S. economy, and shows Co-op Cincy's remarkable work to transform and provide training and support for these businesses. Particularly significant for the future is the effort to help convert existing businesses—where owners are retiring—to cooperatives. The film also explores the influence of Spain's Mondragon Corporation, the world's largest worker cooperative federation, on Co-op Cincy's mission.

Visit to view the trailer and read the reviews of the film.

Date / Fecha - Friday December 8th, second Fridays of even months / viernes 8 de diciembre, el segundo viernes de meses pares
Time / Hora - 1pm Eastern / 12pm Central / 11am Mountain / 10am Pacific 
Cost / Costo - Free / Gratis 
Language / Lengua - English / inglés


[descripción es español a continuación]

About this Member Council:
The Union Co-ops Council of the U.S. Federation of Worker Co-ops has a vision of a worker-driven, cooperative economy with shared wealth through workplace and economic democracy for all workers.  

Our mission is to build bridges between worker cooperatives and organized labor, promoting sovereignty of labor and subordination of capital, by harnessing the power of collective action to democratize enterprise.

This bi-monthly space is open to the public to discuss collaboration between the worker cooperative movement and labor unions. See our website to learn more -

Click here for more information about our member councils


Sobre este Consejo de Membresía: 
Un consejo dirigido por la membresía para trazar puentes entre las cooperativas de trabajadores y los sindicatos. Les participantes se reúnen para planear talleres en varias conferencias de sindicatos y de cooperativas de trabajadores a lo largo del país, compartir información sobre recursos con proyectos locales y concretar su participación en intercambios con la prensa, entre otras actividades. Visita nuestra página web (en inglés).

Dale clic aquí para aprender más sobre nuestros consejos de membresía


Become a sustainer today for as little as $10 a month - every dollar allows us to focus on better serving and growing our member organizations.

Conviértase en sostenedore hoy por tan poco como $10 al mes - y ayúdenos a servir mejor les trabajadores-dueñes y negocios democráticos de nuestra membresía en los EE.UU.


Event times below are listed in Pacific time / Los horarios de los eventos a continuación se enumeran en hora del Pacífico

December 8th, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM