Registration is closed for this event
Meets: The 2nd Friday of every other month
Time / Hora: 1:00pm ET / 12:00pm CT / 10:00am PT | 60 min
Join the USFWC to support our work and get discounts on our paid webinars
Únase a la USFWC para apoyar nuestro trabajo y recibe descuentos en los webinars de pago.
Cost / Costo: Free / Gratis
Language / Lengua:
This meeting will be offered in English / Este encuentro está disponibles solo en Inglés.


The Union Co-ops Council has a vision of a worker-driven, cooperative economy with workplace and economic democracy for all. We’re working to build bridges between worker cooperatives and organized labor. The Council is an all-volunteer, virtual organization that has been operating since 2007.

Register online to to get involved - once you sign up, we'll email you with more information about the call.

Email if you have any questions.

April 10th, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM